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I Am Pilgrim: A Thriller
Terry Hayes
Legends of King Arthur: Idylls of the King
Alfred Lord Tennyson
The Norton Anthology of Poetry
Mary Jo Salter, Margaret Ferguson, Jon Stallworthy

The Little Black Classics Eve of St Agnes

The Little Black Classics Eve of St Agnes - John Keats John Keats, a Romantic poet who died at the tender age of 25, writes visual poetry concerning love and loss, myth and superstition, the selection in this Little Black Classic being taken from Selected Poems.

I am quite picky when it comes to poetry. It needs to move me from the off, and Keats poetry simply did not do this. There are five poems in this collection, only one of which I loved: Lamia, being about the fairy folk, piqued my interest greatly. The rest fell flat for me, though I enjoyed the rhythm and rhyme.